So, Wallingford Radio, where have you been, what’s been going on?

Well, we’re still here, and there’s been a pandemic. You may have heard something about it…..

What we HAVE been doing is a lot of paperwork. And planning. And more paperwork.

After pulling ourselves together and realising that if we wanted to launch a radio station we needed some funds, we held our 24hr show, which was amazing! Then we did some sums. Then we applied for some grants and got some advertisers. Turns out, community radio isn’t cheap, or easy. However, we were incredubly lucky to be able to call on the following organisations and businesses, all of whom have supported us or sponsored us in the last year or so:

The Wallingford Tea Rooms

And frankly, we wouldn’t have been able to get to where we are now without their support.

 As some of you may know, Wallingford Radio has been camping out in our mobile trailer, and using that as our studio for the last few years. While cost effective, it turns out an aluminium box is a bit chilly over winter, as well as not the best for landline utilities.

What we have done now is……. Secured a unit at Ayres Yard, next to Kerry the Florist. It’s the old fireworks shop!

Having finally secured an actual building for our new studio, our busy and committed team of volunteers have been beavering away. First step – move the existing kit in from the cold!

So, that’s all well and good, but it’s been YEARS and you’ve been saying you’re going on air…

Yes, yes we have. There was that pandemic, you see……….

So, our team is working on our new, permanent, FM studio, in the other room at the site:

Where we are installing a brand new playout system, with new kit, new workflow, new everything. And we’re going to be live, on FM, on the 30th April 2022. That’s in 9 weeks and 4 days.

It’ll be on 107.3 FM.

It’ll be live, from Wallingford, with local volunteers, supported by local businesses and local government, bringing local news by local people, to the local community.

It’s community radio. Radio for the community, by the community, and supported from the community.